I just realized that I use the keyboard with only 4 fingers of each hand. I do not use the little finger at all. Arghh..wait a minute. I use the little finger for the ‘Control’ key. I asked my coworker. He does not use much of the little finger either. We use the index finger and middle finger the most on the keyboard. Also after every word I am hitting the space bar with my thumb. If not on a keyboard where do we use our little finger? I am trying to remember all the tasks I do with my little finger. I can’t remember any that is primarily dependent on the little finger. Thumb or the index finger are the leaders. They are the most strong and the able. The ring finger has its own charm. It gets a chance to be in the limelight at least once in a lifetime. The cute little finger seems really neglected. It is there just for the support.
When I was a kid I had this fear all the time. If I do NOT use my finger it may fall down one day. “We need to use each and every part of our body or else God might take it away thinking we don’t need it”. The thought must be implanted in my mind by one of those cocky cousins. But the effect was quite serious. My mother used to spank me for spilling the things down but I would still not stop lifting the glass with my little finger. The people we come across in life are so much similar to these fingers! Some of them always lead the task from the front. Some of them share all the limelight without doing any substantial task and some of them just provide the support without getting any attention.
Whatever it is. I love all the five fingers and if someone offers me an extra thumb at the place of the little finger I will politely decline the offer :)
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006

हा weekend अगदी छान गेला. शनिवारी गणपतीची तयारी केली. मोदक केले.
रात्री एका मित्राकडे जेवायला गेलो.
रविवारी सकाळी गणपती बसवला. आता घर कसं भरल्यासारखं वाटतंय.
गणपती बसवायचं हे आमचं पहिलंच वर्ष. अस म्हणूया की स्वत्:च्या जबाबदारीवर गणपती बसवायचं हे पहिलंच वर्ष.
त्यामुळे सगळं काही मनात होतं तसं साग्रसंगित झालं नाही. पण एका चांगल्या गोष्टीची सुरुवात तर झाली.
हेही नसे थोडके.
रात्री एका मित्राकडे जेवायला गेलो.
रविवारी सकाळी गणपती बसवला. आता घर कसं भरल्यासारखं वाटतंय.
गणपती बसवायचं हे आमचं पहिलंच वर्ष. अस म्हणूया की स्वत्:च्या जबाबदारीवर गणपती बसवायचं हे पहिलंच वर्ष.
त्यामुळे सगळं काही मनात होतं तसं साग्रसंगित झालं नाही. पण एका चांगल्या गोष्टीची सुरुवात तर झाली.
हेही नसे थोडके.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Today again I am spending hours reading the blogs.
It has become an addiction.
There were days when I never used to open the browser unless needed.
Now a day if I am off my desk even for an hour I feel uncomfortable.
There are some people who really write well. Or I can say I can correlate to their writings. I religiously visit their blog page everyday and if there is a new blog I feel like my prayer has been answered.
Reading a blog is not a one step process. It involves Reading, Thinking and sometimes Writing blogs of your own just like I am doing it now.
These days everyone is writing blogs.
There are kinds who just want to write but never want to reveal their identity.
There are kinds who want to write but dont want to do publicity.
Then there are kinds who want to write and want to let the whole world know about it.
Whatever kind of writer you are someone is there to read your blogs. Sometimes the reader is known sometimes totally unknown. But that does not really matter. What matters is somebody likes to read what you write. Somebody can connect to what you write. This is a pretty good feeling, especially if one is an amateur writer.
I have seen so many of my friends started writing only after they discovered the blogger sites.
Blog is an expression of an individual and hence not written under the influence of any political or social pressures. That gives a blog a tremendous power. I heard Govt of India had blocked the blogger sites as an aftereffect of the serial bomb blasts in Mumbai last month.
Anyway, I am happy that the sites are unblocked now and I will not miss any blogs written by my Indian friends.
Thats it for the blog about blog.
Happy blogging :)
It has become an addiction.
There were days when I never used to open the browser unless needed.
Now a day if I am off my desk even for an hour I feel uncomfortable.
There are some people who really write well. Or I can say I can correlate to their writings. I religiously visit their blog page everyday and if there is a new blog I feel like my prayer has been answered.
Reading a blog is not a one step process. It involves Reading, Thinking and sometimes Writing blogs of your own just like I am doing it now.
These days everyone is writing blogs.
There are kinds who just want to write but never want to reveal their identity.
There are kinds who want to write but dont want to do publicity.
Then there are kinds who want to write and want to let the whole world know about it.
Whatever kind of writer you are someone is there to read your blogs. Sometimes the reader is known sometimes totally unknown. But that does not really matter. What matters is somebody likes to read what you write. Somebody can connect to what you write. This is a pretty good feeling, especially if one is an amateur writer.
I have seen so many of my friends started writing only after they discovered the blogger sites.
Blog is an expression of an individual and hence not written under the influence of any political or social pressures. That gives a blog a tremendous power. I heard Govt of India had blocked the blogger sites as an aftereffect of the serial bomb blasts in Mumbai last month.
Anyway, I am happy that the sites are unblocked now and I will not miss any blogs written by my Indian friends.
Thats it for the blog about blog.
Happy blogging :)
October 28, 2005
today i dont have much work to do.hurricane wilma has disrrupted many operations at our client's office.i clutched this opportunity to put my thoughts together..though discreet..wanted them to get out of my mind.these feelings are subtle..they are there just for sometime..they do not create/destroy anything in this world..they are not important for any other person..but they need some outlet..or else i behave weirdly..these days it happens a lot!i suddenly start hating every single thing in this world. by 'world' i mean 'america'.the so called heaven on the earth.it becomes difficult to control my feelings of hatred. frankly speaking i am a happily married girl living in one of the biggest cities of america with a caring and loving husband with a good job in hand and with a couple of family friends around.wht more can I ask for? but..my mind goes back to the memory lanes so frequently as though I have come to a hell from a heaven.is it normal? i ask myself.i am a very practical person. my brain rules over my heart..atleast it used to. but i did not know that leaving my country can make such a big change in my mind.my body got adjusted within a week..but my mind is still struggling..it always says i dont belong to this place..i m a stranger here.and when ppl make u realise that, it becomes all the more unbearable.one of those newly arrived days, i was riding a cab.while giving the directions, i made a mistake at one point and the cab driver literally yelled at me "u fXXXing indians think urself too smart..". i was numb for a second. then i reacted 'practically', ignored the comment and got out of the cab. the only way I protested against him was that I did not give him any tip.
it makes me think why so many people leave our country? why do they not return to their homes? how can we make our country more livable? i think our generation cannot expect too many changes. but for the next generations, what efforts are we taking? Our previous generations provided us with the secure, loving and cultural environment; can we provide that to the next generations? Instead we chose to abandon that place. Someone would say its necessary for one’s own progress. Then why do we keep thinking about that comfort zone?
i am sure there are many such souls like me who want to go back to their home country. There are people who want to see better infrastructure, disciplined traffic, smooth and wide streets, 24/7 supply of water and electricity in their own country. There are people who want to eradicate the corruption and the poverty. There are people who want to put a smile on the face of every child of the next generation. I wish myself (and all those who think alike) the courage and the initiative to act!! Because if we just think and do not act we are no different than those who do not think.
today i dont have much work to do.hurricane wilma has disrrupted many operations at our client's office.i clutched this opportunity to put my thoughts together..though discreet..wanted them to get out of my mind.these feelings are subtle..they are there just for sometime..they do not create/destroy anything in this world..they are not important for any other person..but they need some outlet..or else i behave weirdly..these days it happens a lot!i suddenly start hating every single thing in this world. by 'world' i mean 'america'.the so called heaven on the earth.it becomes difficult to control my feelings of hatred. frankly speaking i am a happily married girl living in one of the biggest cities of america with a caring and loving husband with a good job in hand and with a couple of family friends around.wht more can I ask for? but..my mind goes back to the memory lanes so frequently as though I have come to a hell from a heaven.is it normal? i ask myself.i am a very practical person. my brain rules over my heart..atleast it used to. but i did not know that leaving my country can make such a big change in my mind.my body got adjusted within a week..but my mind is still struggling..it always says i dont belong to this place..i m a stranger here.and when ppl make u realise that, it becomes all the more unbearable.one of those newly arrived days, i was riding a cab.while giving the directions, i made a mistake at one point and the cab driver literally yelled at me "u fXXXing indians think urself too smart..". i was numb for a second. then i reacted 'practically', ignored the comment and got out of the cab. the only way I protested against him was that I did not give him any tip.
it makes me think why so many people leave our country? why do they not return to their homes? how can we make our country more livable? i think our generation cannot expect too many changes. but for the next generations, what efforts are we taking? Our previous generations provided us with the secure, loving and cultural environment; can we provide that to the next generations? Instead we chose to abandon that place. Someone would say its necessary for one’s own progress. Then why do we keep thinking about that comfort zone?
i am sure there are many such souls like me who want to go back to their home country. There are people who want to see better infrastructure, disciplined traffic, smooth and wide streets, 24/7 supply of water and electricity in their own country. There are people who want to eradicate the corruption and the poverty. There are people who want to put a smile on the face of every child of the next generation. I wish myself (and all those who think alike) the courage and the initiative to act!! Because if we just think and do not act we are no different than those who do not think.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Today was an ordinary day.
I got up at 7:40 which is pretty late if you have to reach office at 8:30.
Every night I say 'if you want to have breakfast you have to get up at 7:15'.
But just like every other day I ignored myself and woke up at 7:40.
I admire my husband for this one reason. He never does any cribbing while getting up.
I went to the office without having breakfast. It reminded me of those days in Patni when we used to go to the cafeteria every morning in the flock of at least 10 people. That was the only good thing about Patni. I was surrounded by lots of friends and ready to eat food.
Today morning was allotted for knowledge transfer from my co-worker. I realized that my list of pending tasks will not get updated today. But I was happy with the KT session also. It gave us a chance to do some TP and we utilized the most of it.
At 12 we departed for lunch. I went to a south indian restaurant and had a crispy, tasty Masala Dosa. Devouring on to the Dosa while talking to my best friend who is in India was really a treat.
I could spend some time in the lunch break on reading a very interesting book that I recently borrowed from my friend, 'Maximum City - Bombay Lost and Found' by Suketu Mehta. I will write more about this book after I finish reading it.
The afternoon was little lazy as I was not doing any 'real' work.
I came home at around 6:30. By then hubby was ready to go for his Tennis game.
We talked for sometime and then he left.
I prepared a nice coffee and switched on the TV. Waw! There was Salil, my favourite VJ on B4U Music. I like him so much that whenever he is on the screen my face starts glowing and hubby starts getting J.
Jokes apart I definitely love music but one more reason I like watching B4U is that it reminds me of desh. I used to watch B4U Music whenever I used to go home for holidays.
Anyway, then I went out to the balcony to water my plants. At that time I missed my mom such a lot. She likes spending time with her plants. She waters them and she talks with them. They are as important to her as me and my brother. I envy those plants with whome she still spends an hour, everyday.
I went to play Tennis. Recently I have got a Tennis buddy. We both are equally bad at it so we both enjoy playing with each other.
Hubby and I came home, cooked food, had our dinner and then spent some peaceful time together.
All in all it was a nice day.
I got up at 7:40 which is pretty late if you have to reach office at 8:30.
Every night I say 'if you want to have breakfast you have to get up at 7:15'.
But just like every other day I ignored myself and woke up at 7:40.
I admire my husband for this one reason. He never does any cribbing while getting up.
I went to the office without having breakfast. It reminded me of those days in Patni when we used to go to the cafeteria every morning in the flock of at least 10 people. That was the only good thing about Patni. I was surrounded by lots of friends and ready to eat food.
Today morning was allotted for knowledge transfer from my co-worker. I realized that my list of pending tasks will not get updated today. But I was happy with the KT session also. It gave us a chance to do some TP and we utilized the most of it.
At 12 we departed for lunch. I went to a south indian restaurant and had a crispy, tasty Masala Dosa. Devouring on to the Dosa while talking to my best friend who is in India was really a treat.
I could spend some time in the lunch break on reading a very interesting book that I recently borrowed from my friend, 'Maximum City - Bombay Lost and Found' by Suketu Mehta. I will write more about this book after I finish reading it.
The afternoon was little lazy as I was not doing any 'real' work.
I came home at around 6:30. By then hubby was ready to go for his Tennis game.
We talked for sometime and then he left.
I prepared a nice coffee and switched on the TV. Waw! There was Salil, my favourite VJ on B4U Music. I like him so much that whenever he is on the screen my face starts glowing and hubby starts getting J.
Jokes apart I definitely love music but one more reason I like watching B4U is that it reminds me of desh. I used to watch B4U Music whenever I used to go home for holidays.
Anyway, then I went out to the balcony to water my plants. At that time I missed my mom such a lot. She likes spending time with her plants. She waters them and she talks with them. They are as important to her as me and my brother. I envy those plants with whome she still spends an hour, everyday.
I went to play Tennis. Recently I have got a Tennis buddy. We both are equally bad at it so we both enjoy playing with each other.
Hubby and I came home, cooked food, had our dinner and then spent some peaceful time together.
All in all it was a nice day.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
माझी ऑफिसमधली सगळ्यात आवडती जागा म्हणजे माझ्या उजव्या हाताची काचेची भलीमोठी खिडकी.
आजूबाजूच्या यन्त्रिक जीवनातून बाहेर पडावस वाटल की मी त्या खिडकीत जाऊन उभी राहते.
ह्या सहाव्या मजल्यावरुन मला लाम्बच लाम्ब पसरलेली हिरवळ दिसते. एका छोट्याश्या रस्त्याच्या कडेला दुतर्फा लावलेली उन्चच उन्च झाड दिसतात.
एक लहानसा कारँजा दिसतो.
हे सगळ बघून मन प्रसन्न होत. आणि मग परत कामाचा उत्साह येतो.
ह्याच खिडकीने मला श्रावण आल्याची जाणिव करुन दिली. गेले काही दिवस रोज ऊन पावसाचा खेळ मी ह्या खिडकीतून बघतेय.
आज मात्र विजान्चा कडकडाट करत पावसाने जोरात आपली हजेरी लावली. असा जोरात पाऊस झाला की खालच्या रस्त्यावर पाणी साचायला लागत आणि त्या पाण्यामुळे रहदारीचा वेग मन्दावतो. मग एका बाजूला लाल आणि दुसरया बाजूला पिवळ्या दिव्यान्ची माळ फार सुन्दर दिसते.
चला साडेपाच वाजले. मी ही त्या माळेतला एक मणि होऊन घराकडे कूच करते.
आजूबाजूच्या यन्त्रिक जीवनातून बाहेर पडावस वाटल की मी त्या खिडकीत जाऊन उभी राहते.
ह्या सहाव्या मजल्यावरुन मला लाम्बच लाम्ब पसरलेली हिरवळ दिसते. एका छोट्याश्या रस्त्याच्या कडेला दुतर्फा लावलेली उन्चच उन्च झाड दिसतात.
एक लहानसा कारँजा दिसतो.
हे सगळ बघून मन प्रसन्न होत. आणि मग परत कामाचा उत्साह येतो.
ह्याच खिडकीने मला श्रावण आल्याची जाणिव करुन दिली. गेले काही दिवस रोज ऊन पावसाचा खेळ मी ह्या खिडकीतून बघतेय.
आज मात्र विजान्चा कडकडाट करत पावसाने जोरात आपली हजेरी लावली. असा जोरात पाऊस झाला की खालच्या रस्त्यावर पाणी साचायला लागत आणि त्या पाण्यामुळे रहदारीचा वेग मन्दावतो. मग एका बाजूला लाल आणि दुसरया बाजूला पिवळ्या दिव्यान्ची माळ फार सुन्दर दिसते.
चला साडेपाच वाजले. मी ही त्या माळेतला एक मणि होऊन घराकडे कूच करते.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
बुधवार दुपार..आज मी घरी आहे. बाहेर चाललेला ऊन पावसाचा खेळ ह्युस्टन मधेही मला श्रावण महिन्याची आठवण करुन देतोय.
श्रावण महिना लहानपणा पासुन मला फ़ार आवडायचा. माझा वाढदिवस श्रावणातला. आमच्या घरात वाढदिवस तिथीने साजरा करायचे. त्यामुळे एकदा घरी तिथीने आणि एकदा मैत्रिणींबरोबर तारखेने असे दोन वाढदिवस साजरे होत.
शिवाय कितीतरी सणांनी हा महिना गजबजलेला असे. दर सोमवारी उपवासाचे पदार्थ खायला मिळत. मंगळवारी कुठे ना कुठे मंगळागौर असे आणि शुक्रवारी पुरणपोळी.
शाळेतही श्रावणी शुक्रवारच हळदी कुंकु असे. मग वर्ग सजवणे, रांगोळ्या काढणे, साडी नेसुन शाळेत जाणे ह्या सगळ्यात एक वेगळीच मजा असायची.
श्रावणातला माझा अजून एक आवडता कार्यक्रम म्हणजे ब्रह्मगिरीची प्रदक्षिणा. हिरव्यागार झाडांमधून दिसणारय़ा सह्याद्रिच्या रांगा, खळखळणारे ओढे, भाताची शेती आणि त्यातून जाणारा चिखलाचा मऊ मऊ रस्ता! हे सगळ अनुभवायला आमच्या घरातले सगळेच उत्सुक असायचे. ही २० मैलाची प्रदक्षिणा पूर्ण झाल्यानंतर मात्र पायांची चांगलीच वाट लागत असे. आई पाय शेकण्यासाठी एका बादलीमधे गरम पाणी देत असे. मी सहा-सात वर्षांची असताना मला चालणं झेपणार नाही असा विचार करून घरातले सगळे मला चुकवून प्रदक्षिणेला गेले तेव्हा मात्र मला राग आवरेनासा झाला होता. निसर्गाला एवढ्या जवळून भेटण्याची माझ्या आयुष्यातली ती पहिली संधी होती. त्यामुळेच मला अजूनही तो निसर्ग खूप जवळचा वाटतो.
श्रावण महिना लहानपणा पासुन मला फ़ार आवडायचा. माझा वाढदिवस श्रावणातला. आमच्या घरात वाढदिवस तिथीने साजरा करायचे. त्यामुळे एकदा घरी तिथीने आणि एकदा मैत्रिणींबरोबर तारखेने असे दोन वाढदिवस साजरे होत.
शिवाय कितीतरी सणांनी हा महिना गजबजलेला असे. दर सोमवारी उपवासाचे पदार्थ खायला मिळत. मंगळवारी कुठे ना कुठे मंगळागौर असे आणि शुक्रवारी पुरणपोळी.
शाळेतही श्रावणी शुक्रवारच हळदी कुंकु असे. मग वर्ग सजवणे, रांगोळ्या काढणे, साडी नेसुन शाळेत जाणे ह्या सगळ्यात एक वेगळीच मजा असायची.
श्रावणातला माझा अजून एक आवडता कार्यक्रम म्हणजे ब्रह्मगिरीची प्रदक्षिणा. हिरव्यागार झाडांमधून दिसणारय़ा सह्याद्रिच्या रांगा, खळखळणारे ओढे, भाताची शेती आणि त्यातून जाणारा चिखलाचा मऊ मऊ रस्ता! हे सगळ अनुभवायला आमच्या घरातले सगळेच उत्सुक असायचे. ही २० मैलाची प्रदक्षिणा पूर्ण झाल्यानंतर मात्र पायांची चांगलीच वाट लागत असे. आई पाय शेकण्यासाठी एका बादलीमधे गरम पाणी देत असे. मी सहा-सात वर्षांची असताना मला चालणं झेपणार नाही असा विचार करून घरातले सगळे मला चुकवून प्रदक्षिणेला गेले तेव्हा मात्र मला राग आवरेनासा झाला होता. निसर्गाला एवढ्या जवळून भेटण्याची माझ्या आयुष्यातली ती पहिली संधी होती. त्यामुळेच मला अजूनही तो निसर्ग खूप जवळचा वाटतो.
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